Dr. Pauline Drake is one of three finalists for this year’s Cox Conserves Heroes Award. Each of the three finalists received $5,000 dollars to be used in improving their outdoor project. The winner of the Cox Conserves Award will receive an additional $5,000 dollars for their project. If Pauline wins the award, it would mean a total of $10,000 dollars for improvements at Jennie Drake Park.
Cox Enterprises (WSB-TV) and the Trust for Public Land recognize volunteers that create, preserve or enhance the shared outdoor spaces in their communities. Pauline was nominated for her leadership in bringing her mother’s vision of a neighborhood park to reality. Pauline will be quick to point out that it’s the volunteers that make it happen.
Jennie Drake Park is located in Historic Collier Heights at the corner of Oldknow Drive and Waterford Rd.
She needs your vote!
- Voting begins October 5th and ends October 26th
- Vote online at http://www.wsbtv.com/CoxConservesHeroes
- You can see Pauline’s television interview at: http://www.wsbtv.com/community/people-2-people/pauline-drake-vies-for-cox-conserves-heroes-award_20161003123658/452941439
For information on Jennie Drake Park visit www.jenniedrakepark.org or email us at jenniedrakepark@gmail.com.